
Longing for Spring!

I know it is a long time before spring arrives but I can't help it, I wish it was here! How fast I forget the way the yard looks all green and lush. 
 I love the scent of the earth warming up.  Seeing and hearing the birds return. Opening the window on a tease of a warm day to let fresh air in.  Watching the wild flowers sprout out of the ground and marvel at how beautiful the plant is even if it is still curled up tight. Waiting for spring is difficult but it's the little things that are encouraging. 
The days are getting noticeably longer now.  I hear the Great Horned Owls calling to each other in the evening. I image they are singing love songs because they should be nesting soon.  
Another reason to wish for spring is I have had a few clients say to me,  "we are slow now, contact me in spring".   As we are in this phase of winter I hope for growth and rejuvenated economy full of new projects and new clients.  Bring on Spring!

These are my images from last spring.


Changed my Address

I'm hoping this makes it easier to find me out there. I can find my Linked-in profile but not my blog. Any help?


Going public with my paintings

I first started painting when I was a child. Cute stuff like a paint by numbers of a stallion or something like that. My parents encouraged me and gave me the opportunity learn with lessons as well as touring museums. 
  Classes at our local Art Museum in Neenah were allot of fun and kept us busy during the summer.  I know I have a few pieces of "art" in my basement from that era.  In school I took art as much as I could. Knowing I had to apply this love to my working life I decided to be an Interior Designer and finished with a major in Industrial Design.  
Renderings of home interiors and new product set designs have been my "art" for my working career. Painting for fun was put on the back burner. Over the last few years I've taken more classes with a local artist I feel much more confident about showing my work. 
So here goes. Hope you enjoy! 

Check out my instructors work.   http://www.jamesmichaelart.com 


Garlic mustard

I was a "Weed Commissioner" for the town I lived in a few years ago. Purple Loosestrife, Bull Thistle, Buckthorn and Creeping Jenny were on our list of illegal weeds. One that should have been on the list is Garlic Mustard. Garlic mustard has become my spring, summer and fall yard project.
We live in a wooded area that has been invaded with Garlic mustard from the bordering park. (I have a battle on my hands because the park is covered with it) I have been carefully pulling it for the past 4 years and seeing some results but seedlings keep coming up. Seeds can sit in the ground for up to 5 years or so before germinating, so once you think an area is clear more comes up.
This weed doesn't allow the native plants such as Trillium and Wild Geranium grow. check out this web site for more info on invasive plants.


Women's Build for Habitat for Humanity

We volunteered our time to Habitat for Humanity instead of gifts 
to our bosses this past Christmas. It was great fun and now I know how to apply vinyl siding!
Women's build for Habitat for Humanity.