Our home is surrounded by a beautiful woods of sixty foot pines, majestic oaks, maples and birch trees. When we experience weather it seems exagerated by the woods. Wind hits the trees and they begin to dance and sing with creaks and whistles as well as howls and groans. Today's storm began innocently as light rain. Soon the rain became mixed with sleet that coated everything with a beautiful clear frosting. I had thoughts of doing some photography until the wind off Lake Michigan picked up tossing ice and sticks to the ground like sheets of shattered windshield glass. Ice hitting our windows sounded like stones thrown against the glass causing our cats to run for cover under a bed. Stronger gusts sent entire ice covered branches crashing to the ground leaving piles of debree for a summer bonfire. Enough pine boughs have fallen to make many a wreath for Christmas had it not been close to Easter. The storm continues but now it's snowing adding to the weight of the ice already blanketing everything in the woods. I can only imagine how beautiful it will look in the morning light.